Monday, December 30, 2013

In Venezuela, This Is How You Convert $1 Into $175,000

Say you come into Venezuela with just $1 and an eye for business. Just how much money can you turn that bill into using tried-and-true, being-used-right-now scams? With a bit of gumption the answer to that is…$175K or so. Really. Here’s how.
First, take your crisp new dollar bill to a black market currency dealer and buy yourself Bs.85.
Did you make sure to get travel insurance before you trip?
Good…..Now go to a doctor and buy yourself Bs.85 worth of medical attention. Any pretext will do. Don’t forget to get a receipt, though: your insurance company back home will reimburse your 85 Bolivar claim at the official rate, giving you back $1 for every 6 Bolivar and 30 cents you spent.So after one doctor’s visit, your $1 has already turned into $13.50. Not too bad.
But we’re just getting going here. Needless to say your next step is to take your $13.50 right back to the currency tout and buy yourself 1,150 Bolivar.Next, take your 1,150 bolivars to any reputable Caracas jeweller. There, you can get about 5.7 grams of 18-karat gold for that. As it turns out, back stateside those 5.7 grams of gold are worth $182.29.
Your Caracas black market dollar dealer will be expecting your call by now: the $182.29 you netted for the gold buys you 15,495 Bolivar.
This is fun, isn’t it?
But maybe you’re getting a bit impatient at this point. Sure, a 18,290% profit with no risk and for doing no real work isn’t too bad, but let’s say you want to make some real money.
For that, you need to go to a market with genuinely grotesque price differential. And in a petro-state like Venezuela, that can only mean one thing: gasoline.
At Venezuela’s ludicrous price of 0.097 Bolivar per liter, the 15,495 bolivars currently burning a hole in your pocket can buy 159,742 liters of unleaded gas. That’s 42,200 gallons or so.The next step is to load your gas into a tanker truck and drive it out to Colombia, where each and every one of your 42,200 gallons will sell for US$4.14/gallon….By the time it’s all said and done, that clean, crisp $1 bill you came into Venezuela with has turned into US$174,905.
That’s a seventeen million percent profit margin for doing basically nothing.
This isn’t just some thought exercise, it’s the central reality of the Venezuelan economy today.
The catch, of course, is that the viability of each of these scams depends first and foremost on having official protection from some regime-connected power broker. You can’t smuggle gasoline out of the country without a National Guard officer (or 10) taking a cut. You can’t load much gold into a northbound plane without paying off an airport guard. Any attempt to buy a substantial number of official rate dollars is going to depend on some regime official – probably wearing olive-green giving his go-ahead.
As the protests mount on the streets, it’s important not to lose sight of this: it’s these rackets those guys are protecting.And their willingness to use violence to protect them is roughly proportional to the profit margins involved.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Worst Effects of Global Warming

Global warming is the long-term, cumulative effect that greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide and methane, have on Earth’s temperature when they build up in the atmosphere and trap the sun’s heat. It’s also a hotly debated topic. Some wonder if it’s really happening and, if it’s real, is it the fault of human actions, natural causes or both?
A petrochemical plant spews flue gas and steam at dawn. Such greenhouse gases are contributing to changes in climate.
A petrochemical plant spews flue gas and steam at dawn. Such greenhouse gases are contributing to changes in climate.
When we talk about global warming, we’re not talking about how this summer’s temperatures were hotter than last year’s. Instead, we’re talking about climate change, changes that happen to our environment, atmosphere and weather over time. Think decades, not seasons. The term global warming itself is a bit deceptive because it implies we should expect things to get hotter — not necessarily stormier, drier and even, in some instances, colder. Climate change impacts the hydrology and biology of the planet — everything, including winds, rains and temperature, is linked. Scientists have ob served that the Earth’s climate has a long history of variability, from the cold climes of the Ice Age to temperatures as hot as an Easy-Bake oven. These changes are sometimes noted over a few decades and sometimes stretch over thousands of years. What can we expect from a planet undergoing climate changes?
Scientists studying our climate have been able to observe and measure changes happening around us. For example, mountain glaciers are smaller now than they were 150 years ago, and in the last 100 years, the average global temperature has increased by roughly 1.4 degrees F (0.8 degrees C) [source: EPA]. Computer modeling allows scientists to predict what could happen if the climate pattern continues on its current course, projecting, for instance, that temperatures could rise an average of 2 to 11.5 degrees F (1.1 to 6.4 degrees C) by the end of the 21st century [source: EPA].
In this article, we’ll look at 10 of the worst effects of climate change, including some immediate effects observed and some hypothesized through climate modeling.

Effect 10: Rising Sea Level:

Earth’s hotter temperature doesn’t necessarily mean the Miami lifestyle is moving to the Arctic, but it does mean rising sea levels. How are hotter temperatures linked to rising waters? Hotter temperatures mean ice — glaciers, sea ice and polar ice sheets — is melting, increasing the amount of water in the world’s seas and oceans.
You can't have as much fun in the sun when the beach is underwater. Miami, along with many other areas around the world, is threatened by rising oceans.
You can't have as much fun in the sun when the beach is underwater. Miami, along with many other areas around the world, is threatened by rising oceans.
Scientists are able to measure that melt water from Greenland’s ice cap directly impacts people in the United States: The flow of the Colorado River has increased sixfold [source: Scientific American]. And scientists project that as the ice shelves on Greenland and Antarctica melt, sea levels could be more than 20 feet (6 meters) higher in 2100 than they are today [source: An Inconvenient Truth]. Such levels would submerge many of Indonesia’s tropical islands and flood low-lying areas such as Miami, New York City’s Lower Manhattan and Bangladesh.

Effect 9: Shrinking Glaciers

You don’t need special equipment to see that glaciers around the world are shrinking. Tundra once covered with thick permafrost is melting with rising surface temperatures and is now coated with plant life.
Montana's Glacier National Park will lose some of its majestic beauty as surface temperatures continue to rise.
Montana's Glacier National Park will lose some of its majestic beauty as surface temperatures continue to rise.
In the span of a century, glaciers in Montana’s Glacier National Park have deteriorated from 150 to just 35 [source: New York Times]. And the Himalayan glaciers that feed the Ganges River, which supplies drinking and irrigation water to 500 million people, are reportedly shrinking by 40 yards (37 meters) each year [source: The Washington Post].

Effect 8: Heat Waves

The deadly heat wave that swept across Europe in 2003, killing an estimated 35,000 people, could be the harbinger of an intense heat trend that scientists began tracking in the early 1900s [source: MSNBC].
Heat waves not only make it seem difficult to function, they can be deadly as well. This man tried to cool himself with a water bottle during a 2008 heat wave in New York City.
Heat waves not only make it seem difficult to function, they can be deadly as well. This man tried to cool himself with a water bottle during a 2008 heat wave in New York City.
Extreme heat waves are happening two to four times more often now, steadily rising over the last 50 to 100 years, and are projected to be 100 times more likely over the next 40 years [source: Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts University]. Experts suggest continued heat waves may mean future increases in wildfires, heat-related illness and a general rise in the planet’s mean temperature.

Effect 7: Storms and Floods

Experts use climate models to project the impact rising global temperatures will have on precipitation. However, no modeling is needed to see that severe storms are happening more frequently: In just 30 years the occurrence of the strongest hurricanes — categories 4 and 5 — has nearly doubled [source: An Inconvenient Truth].
Warmer waters increase the likelihood of violent storms. Hurricane Dolly swept over the Texas-Mexico border in  July 2008.
Warmer waters increase the likelihood of violent storms. Hurricane Dolly swept over the Texas-Mexico border in July 2008.
Warm waters give hurricanes their strength, and scientists are correlating the increase in ocean and atmospheric temperatures to the rate of violent storms. During the last few years, both the United States and Britain have experienced extreme storms and flooding, costing lives and billions of dollars in damages. Between 1905 and 2005 the frequency of hurricanes has been on a steady ascent. From 1905 to 1930, there were an average of 3.5 hurricanes per year; 5.1 between 1931 and 1994; and 8.4 between 1995 and 2005 [source: USA Today]. In 2005, a record number of tropical storms developed, and in 2007, the worst flooding in 60 years hit Britain [sources: Reuters, Center for American Progress].

Effect 6: Drought

While some parts of the world may find themselves deluged by increasing storms and rising waters, other areas may find themselves suffering from drought. As the climate warms, experts estimate drought conditions may increase by at least 66 percent [source: Scientific American]. An increase in drought conditions leads quickly to a shrinking water supply and a decrease in quality agricultural conditions. This puts global food production and supply in danger and leaves populations at risk for starvation.
Worldwide droughts, like that in a village northeast of Nairobi, expose rural communities to food shortages.
Worldwide droughts, like that in a village northeast of Nairobi, expose rural communities to food shortages.
Today, India, Pakistan and sub-Saharan Africa already experience droughts, and experts predict precipitation could continue to dwindle in the coming decades. Estimates paint a dire picture. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change suggests that by 2020, 75 to 250 million Africans may experience water shortages, and the continent’s agricultural output will decrease by 50 percent [source: BBC].

Effect 5: Disease

Depending on where you live, you may use bug repellant to protect against West Nile virus or Lyme disease. But when was the last time you considered your risk of contracting dengue fever?
A field sample of mosquitoes that could carry West Nile virus pictured in California.
A field sample of mosquitoes that could carry West Nile virus pictured in California.
Warmer temperatures along with associated floods and droughts are encouraging worldwide health threats by creating an environment where mosquitoes, ticks, mice and other disease-carrying creatures thrive. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that outbreaks of new or resurgent diseases are on the rise and in more disparate countries than ever before, including tropical illnesses in once cold climates — such as mosquitoes infecting Canadians with West Nile virus.
While more than 150,000 people die from climate change-related sickness each year, everything from heat-related heart and respiratory problems to malaria are on the rise [source: The Washington Post]. Cases of allergies and asthma are also increasing. How is hay fever related to global warming? Global warming fosters increased smog — which is linked to mounting instances of asthma attacks — and also advances weed growth, a bane for allergy sufferers.

Effect 4: Economic Consequences

The costs associated with climate change rise along with the temperatures. Severe storms and floods combined with agricultural losses cause billions of dollars in damages, and money is needed to treat and control the spread of disease. Extreme weather can create extreme financial setbacks. For example, during the record-breaking hurricane year of 2005, Louisiana saw a 15 percent drop in income during the months following the storms, while property damage was estimated at $135 billion [source: Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts University].
In addition to the loss of life caused by Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans and Louisiana have faced the economic consequences of billions of dollars in damage.
In addition to the loss of life caused by Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans and Louisiana have faced the economic consequences of billions of dollars in damage.
Economic considerations reach into nearly every facet of our lives. Consumers face rising food and energy costs along with increased insurance premiums for health and home. Governments suffer the consequences of diminished tourism and industrial profits, soaring energy, food and water demands, disaster cleanup and border tensions.
And ignoring the problem won’t make it go away. A recent study conducted by the Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts University suggests that inaction in the face of global warming crises could result in a $20 trillion price tag by 2100 [source: Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts University].

Effect 3: Conflicts and War

Declining amounts of quality food, water and land may be leading to an increase in global security threats, conflict and war.
The conflict in Darfur has been partly blamed on stresses caused by global warming.
The conflict in Darfur has been partly blamed on stresses caused by global warming.
National security experts analyzing the current conflict in Sudan’s Darfur region suggest that while global warming is not the sole cause of the crisis, its roots may be traced to the impact of climate change, specifically the reduction of available natural resources [source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer]. The violence in Darfur broke out during a time of drought, after two decades of little-to-no rain along with rising temperatures in the nearby Indian Ocean.
Scientists and military analysts alike are theorizing climate change and its consequences such as food and water instability pose threats for war and conflict, suggesting that violence and ecological crises are entangled. Countries suffering from water shortages and crop loss become vulnerable to security trouble, including regional instability, panic and aggression.

Effect 2: Loss of Biodiversity

Species loss and endangerment is rising along with global temperatures. As many as 30 percent of plant and animal species alive today risk extinction by 2050 if average temperatures rise more than 2 to 11.5 degrees F (1.1 to 6.4 degrees C) [sources: EPA, Scientific American]. Such extinctions will be due to loss of habitat through desertification, deforestation and ocean warming, as well as the inability to adapt to climate warming. Wildlife researchers have noted some of the more resilient species migrating to the poles, far north and far south to maintain their needed habitat; the red fox, for example, normally an inhabitant of North America, is now seen living in the Arctic.
The red fox has been affected by rising global temperatures.
The red fox has been affected by rising global temperatures.
Humans also aren’t immune to the threat. Desertification and rising sea levels threaten human habitats. And when plants and animals are lost to climate change, human food, fuel and income are lost as well.
Effect 1: Destruction of Ecosystems
Changing climatic conditions and dramatic increases in carbon dioxide will put our ecosystems to the test, threatening supplies of fresh water, clean air, fuel and energy resources, food, medicine and other matters we depend upon not just for our lifestyles but for our survival.
Coral bleaching is only a tangible aspect of global warming's effect on ecosystems
Coral bleaching is only a tangible aspect of global warming's effect on ecosystems
Evidence shows effects of climate change on physical and biological systems, which means no part of the world is spared from the impact of changes to land, water and life. Scientists are already observing the bleaching and death of coral reefs due to warming ocean waters, as well as the migration of vulnerable plants and animals to alternate geographic ranges due to rising air and water temperatures and melting ice sheets.
Models based on varied temperature increases predict scenarios of devastating floods, drought, wildfires, ocean acidification and eventual collapse of functioning ecosystems worldwide, terrestrial and aquatic alike.
Forecasts of famine, war and death paint a dire picture of climate change on our planet. Scientists are researching the causes of these changes the vulnerability of Earth not to predict the end of days but rather to help us mitigate or reduce changes that may be caused by humans. If we know and understand the problems and take action through adaptation, the use of more energy-efficient and sustainable resources and the adoption of other green ways of living, we may be able to make some impact on the climate change process.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Is He Interested- 3 Signs

What is on his mind? What does he thinking about me? Questions many women keep wondering about. Many women find themselves in a situation where they believe that a guy is interested, but they aren’t sure. They compare the way he acts to how they would act if they were interested and make judgments based on those comparisons.
Is He Interested - 3 signs
Is He Interested - 3 signs
It won’t work. Guys display their attraction differently than women do. Experts predict that only 7% of attraction is shown through verbal communication, 38% is displayed through tone and a whopping 55% is shown through body language. This means that women who recognize the meaning behind male body language have a big advantage
There are certain behaviors common to most men who are trying to win a woman’s affection. Most common of them are listed below:

He Makes Good Eye Contact

Since guys are visual, it goes without saying that they stare at women whom they find attractive. This is significant because, as a general rule of thumb, men tend to avoid prolonged eye contact because of its threatening nature (think Alpha Male stuff).
In addition, every man can tell you a story of some woman he was nice to, who misinterpreted his kindness as an indication of romantic interest. If you ask 100 men why they are so guarded about giving a woman the wrong impression, the answer is simple, “Because she might not leave.”
How to respond: When you notice his gaze, simply smile back while maintaining eye contact for a couple of seconds, and then quickly look away. This simple gesture is all the invitation he’ll need to approach you.

He’ll Listen to You

Need I mention that men hate being bored? Women don’t prefer it either, but men detest it. Nothing is more boring to most men than being trapped in a conversation with someone who doesn’t interest them.
If you were to ask how you can tell if you are the woman who is holding him hostage, relax. Most men won’t listen long enough for that to happen to you. If he’s listening to you talk about your work, friends or other interests for more than five minutes, he’s interested in you.

How to Respond

Remember that the person doing the talking is NOT in control. The listener is in control. You want the conversation centered on him so that you can begin training him to be emotionally dependent on you.
Men always find women who listen to them to be irresistible. When you are listening, be sure to make eye contact with him occasionally and never forget that men find a woman’s smile to be hypnotic. Most women can easily do two things at once, so resist the urge to listen and look elsewhere.
Without some eye contact and a smile, you may hear what he’s saying, but you won’t look like you care.

He Frequents Your Friends

Most men know that if you simply approach a woman and give her a “yes” or “no” question, you only have a 50/50 chance of her saying yes, or worse. Therefore, the clever guys are those who slowly infiltrate your inner circle of friends because they know if your friends like them, they have a better chance with you.
Don’t be threatened if you see a guy strike up a conversation with one of your girlfriends. Yes, he may be interested in her and not you, but there is a good chance that you are actually the primary target.
As a guy gets to know your friends, it becomes easier for him to approach both you and them in the future.

How to Respond

If you notice him talking to one of your gal pals, don’t approach them too quickly. In fact, don’t approach them at all. Act as though you didn’t notice them speaking and maintain your distance.
The next time you are with that friend, stay close to her and he’ll be able to approach you, through her.
More visible signals from him: These common body signs are directed toward a woman a guy finds attractive.
• Massaging his outer thigh
• Narrowing his eyes while he is talking to her
• Hooking his thumb in his belt loops
• Adjusting his cuffs, flicking dust from his jacket or smoothing his hair
• Stroking the jaw
• Rolling a glass or pen between his palms

Monday, October 21, 2013


Why  to  be  Ringed?
Most of  the old Temples  have  large  bell at  the entrance  of  the Temple &  we need  to ring it  before  we  enter Temple.
B’Coz  it  has  a scientific Phenomena:
It  is  made  of  various metals including  Cadmium, Lead, Copper, Zinc, Nickel, Chromium & Manganese.The proportion at which  each one of them mixed  is real science behind a  bell.
Each metal used in bell is made to produce such a Distinct Sound that it can creates Unity of our Left  & Right Brain.
The moment we ring that bell, it produces sharp & Lasting Sound which lasts for minimum of seven seconds in echo mode, good enough to Touch our Seven Healing Centres  or Chakras in our body…
The moment bell  sound happens our brain  is Emptied of All Thoughts.
Invariably we will enter state of Trans where we are very Receptive.
This Trans state is the one with Awareness.
We are so occupied in mind that only way to awaken us is with a Shock!
Bell works as Anti-dote to our Mind.
Before we produce ourself in front of God, This Bell, awakes us  & prepares us for the Taste of Awareness.
This is the Real Reason behind Temple Bells  to be ringed.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Male-Female Brain Differences

What kind of brain do you have? There really are big differences between the male and female brain, says Simon Baron-Cohen, director of the Autism Research Center, Cambridge University. In his new book, the Essential Difference: Men, Women and the Extreme Male Brain (published by Penguin) Baron-Cohen shows that, indisputably, on average male and female minds are of a slightly different character. Men tend to be better at analyzing systems (better systemisers), while women tend to be better at reading the emotions of other people (better empathisers). Baron-Cohen shows that this distinction arises from biology, not culture.
Male-Female Brain Differences
Cell numbers: men have 4% more brain cells than women, and about 100 grams more of brain tissue. Many women have asked me why men need more brain tissue in order to get the same things done.
Cellular connections: even though a man seems to have more brain cells, it is reported that women have more dendritic connections between brain cells.
Corpus collosum size: it is reported that a woman’s brain has a larger corpus collusum, which means women can transfer data between the right and left hemisphere faster than men. Men tend to be more left brained, while women have greater access to both sides.
Language: for men, language is most often just in the dominant hemisphere (usually the left side), but a larger number of women seem to be able to use both sides for language. This gives them a distinct advantage. If a woman has a stroke in the left front side of the brain, she may still retain some language from the right front side. Men who have the same left sided damage are less likely to recover as fully.
Limbic size: bonding/nesting instincts – current research has demonstrated that females, on average, have a larger deep limbic system than males. This gives females several advantages and disadvantages. Due to the larger deep limbic brain women are more in touch with their feelings, they are generally better able to express their feelings than men. They have an increased ability to bond and be connected to others (which is why women are the primary caretakers for children – there is no society on earth where men are primary caretakers for children). Females have a more acute sense of smell, which is likely to have developed from an evolutionary need for the mother to recognize her young. Having a larger deep limbic system leaves a female somewhat more susceptible to depression, especially at times of significant hormonal changes such as the onset of puberty, before menses, after the birth of a child and at menopause. Women attempt suicide three times more than men. Yet, men kill themselves three times more than women, in part, because they use more violent means of killing themselves (women tend to use overdoses with pills while men tend to either shoot or hang themselves) and men are generally less connected to others than are women. Disconnection from others increases the risk of completed suicides.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sarfaroshi Ki Tamanna Ab Humaare Dil Mein Hai

These words inspired the revolutionaries.
And they proved these lines on an interesting date- August 9, 1925.
That historical evening of August 9, 1925…
“3 second class Lucknow!” A young man said, while giving the money for the tickets in the ticket counter.
A Thrilling Robbery Near Kakory
It was a small rural station- Kakori!
Tickets were asked for a Down train which traveled from Shahjahanpur via Lucknow. Ticket Babu was surprised. Very few people used to ask for the second class ticket from Kakori. He stared at the man who was asking for the ticket. The young man (Shachindranath Bakshi) knew it and so he moved his face away and started wiping his sweat. He took tickets and came to the platform and said to Ashfaq and Rajendra to be with him.
Others were here and there as planned. Train came and they went into the empty compartment of second class. Else took the third class.
The train moved, and gradually started moving in speed. One more passenger had entered the train. It was dark. The lights were on in the train.When the train was near the signal, Shachindranath asked his comrades, “Where is the box of the jewels?” Ashfaq replied, “Oh! It is left in Kakori!”
Bakshi and Rajendra got up from their seat and pulled the chains. The train stopped gradually. The two came at the door. Then they came down and started walking further.
“Who pulled the chain?” The guard asked them as he came. “Our box of jewels is left in Kakori, we are going to take it.” They replied.
The box of jewels was in the guard’s compartment.
The young men came down and started firing in the air and alerted the passengers, “Beware! Nobody moves! We are looting the government treasury.” Everyone got scared. Nobody moved from his place.
The guard was standing near his van. He was showing a green flag towards the engine. Shachindra aimed the pistol at him and took away the lantern, he threw it and scolded him, “I’ll shoot you. Why were you showing the green flag?” Guard was scared. His face turned pale.
He started begging, “Please spare my life!”
Bakshi said, “Lay on the grass.” He immediately did what Bakshi had told him to do.
Bakshi blowed the bulb away, which was in the guard’s van. Some revolutionaries took the box down and started their attempt to break the box with hammers, axes etc. Ashfaq was trying to break the box, others were guarding and some were helping him.
There were 13 armed people and an English major in the train, but all were scared. They were all seated at their places.
A man came down to look his wife who was in different coach, but got back after a single fire.
Pt. Ram Prasad ‘Bismil’ was leading them.
Finally the box broke after several attempts of Ashfaq and the bags filled with money were taken out. Then a voice came, it was a train coming from Lucknow. But the train came and went. The revolutionaries then took a breath of relaxation.
Bismil then said to move.
Then Shachindranath Bakshi said to him, “You go, I have to deal with the guard.”
They moved to their respective ways.
The train was still standing. It was an interesting and quiet atmosphere.
Bakshi said to the guard, “A dead person cannot speak. You have seen me for a long time in the light and have recognized me, so why don’t I kill you so that there is no matter of recognizing?”
Guard was trembling with fear. He started begging, “I swear to God I will not recognize you. Please don’t kill me!”
Bakshi took pity on the Indian guard.
Other members of the party vanished in the thick forests of Kakori.
In the way, they recollected all the money in a big bag and threw away the other bags.
Then they reached Lucknow by different ways.
Azad spent that night sitting in a park.
And the next day Indian Daily Telegraph printed,
A Thrilling Robbery Near Kakori.
The robbery was conceived by Ram Prasad Bismil and Ashfaqullah Khan who belonged to the Hindustan Republican Association (HRA), which became later the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association.